Brooklyn’s Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment


The root causes of crime and violence are in part related to some/many children’s early up-bringing and care.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning rap performance, “I”, Kendrick Lamar reveals, “I’ve been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent.”

Reading his rap lyrics and a few online interviews, listening to a few radio interviews posted online, I recognize me and Kendrick have tread sidewalks in similar communities.

Kendrick doing so as a depressed adolescent, me as a often frustrated uniformed NYC police officer dealing with children suffering from depression. In my experience, depressed children who often resort to committing anti-social harmful acts against their peaceful neighbors.

In a 2011 LAWeekly interview I recently read, Kendrick clearly explains what caused his early depression and why he continued to experience depression into adulthood.

“Lamar’s parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. “My mom’s one of 13 siblings, and they all got six kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton,” he says.*

“I’m 6 years old, seein’ my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin’ dope in front of the apartment.”

“My moms and pops never said nothing, ’cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like ‘Average Joe.'”

Kendrick Lamar
(born June 17, 1987)

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Perhaps this case of child maltreatment and emotional abuse/neglect, will in part, offer a reason for why some/many kids growing up in America experience depression, lack empathy for their neighbors, often resorting to committing violent and other crimes to vent their anger and frustrations.

I met this Brooklyn, NY mom while providing uniform police services to the City of New York some years ago.

Brooklyn, NY

One evening a call for police service brought me to a young mom’s second floor walk-up apartment in a private dwelling, she was reporting the theft of a Boom-Box radio taken from her kitchen window sill by someone trespassing on her building’s fire escape.

Entering this young mom’s apartment I observed several children, some in diapers, a few older, sitting on a living room couch, an aluminum fifty-five gallon, half-filled trash can was sitting right in the middle of her tiny living room, as if it was her coffee table. One of her living room walls was smeared with several dark stains of what I believed to be human waste.

I calmly recorded her theft complaint and left, immediately reporting my observations to my sergeant who instructed me to contact child welfare. Forty-five minutes later the children were removed from this mom’s care, temporarily placed in the custody and care of the people of New York City.


Sadly, this was not my only interaction with this mom.

Months later I arrested her younger brother for robbery. According to the victims and one witness to this act of violence who recognized her brother from the neighborhood, he placed what appeared to be a handgun in the face of two victims and threatened their lives while demanding and taking their property.

Until she arrived at the precinct to protest her brother’s arrest, I had no idea my young prisoner was related to the mom whose maltreated children I caused to be taken from her months earlier. At the top of her lungs, much like Michael Brown’s father when he was recorded reacting to the perceived injustice to his family member, she adamantly insisted her brother was not a robber.

I showed her the gun I recovered from her brother’s pocket, I told her one witness knows her brother from the neighborhood, still not convinced she came very close to being arrested for becoming disorderly and refusing to leave the precinct station house once her business was done. Later I learned that she appeared in court when her younger brother was arrested months earlier for an unrelated robbery.

Image portrays “Peaceful People’s Nightmare” aka Victims of America’s expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally abused and neglected young developing children from experiencing and enjoying a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood!

What was the point of lying about her brother not being a street thug, when there are public records indicating she knew he was committing acts of violence toward people months before she looked me in the eye and vehemently denied her brother is a robber?

I believe I know the answer to my own question. Again, I have no formal training in understanding why people tend to act the way they do, however based on my life experiences I believe Boom-Box mom lied to me without a care or second thought because she was raised to believe lying and denial is how people cope with uncomfortable situations..or..she never acquired and developed the critical thinking skills required to look past living in the moment, or the “here and now’.

Time and time again I interviewed adults and teens who lied to me about easily verifiable facts, often placing themselves at risk for being arrested for obstructing or impeding criminal investigations. Is this something most people with average critical thinking skills would do?

After every day or night’s work I had a 30-40 minute commute home, which gave me time to reflect on the day’s events, how I responded to them, and what I learned from them. Many nights I would drive home with a smile on my face, thinking to myself, “Holy smokes, I can’t believe I get paid to have this much fun identifying and locking up dangerous people.”

During many of these winding-down, reflective moments I would actually experience a euphoric feeling of being “high on life.” For me, at that time in my career, chasing down seriously dangerous bad people who illegally armed themselves with firearms for the purpose of committing mayhem on a mostly peaceful population of working class and poor fellow Americans was the ultimate high, as well as a fringe benefit of police work.

In many cases after taking an alleged dangerous person into custody, I had the opportunity to speak with them and gain ‘some’ insight into what makes them tick. I have no formal training in psychology, however, after meeting and talking with many people who are alleged to have committed crimes in this community, I personally concluded many of the people I arrested were raised and nurtured in environments that lacked real love, understanding, caring and guidance.

Driving home after my first interaction with the aforementioned Boom-Box mom, I thought about her values, her understanding of what is expected of the people who nurture our children, her consideration for laws that society imposes on all people who assume the serious responsibility of rearing children.

I concluded Boom-Box mom was “clueless,” lacking good judgment and skills in all areas required for her to be a good nurturer.

trash-canI asked myself, “What is going on in the mind of a mother who invites a law enforcement official into her home, in which she has created a environment for her children that posed a serious risk to their physical well being and health, as well as their psychological development?”

“Does she not realize what she is doing to her children or how her clueless behavior can imprint and affect them for life?”

“Before calling the police did Boom-Box mom not realize society enacted laws protecting her children from the physically harmful and emotionally abusive home she created for them?”

I have to believe Boom-Box mom’s method for parenting is a learned behavior, instilled either during her own upbringing or gleaned from the people she is friends or associates with. Which leaves me wondering if Boom-Box mom ever invited friends or guests to her apartment, and if she did, why didn’t they report the apparent maltreatment and emotional abuse she was exposing her helpless children to?

I am not trying to be harsh by characterizing Boom-Box mom as totally “clueless.” I believe she is a victim of a society accepted cycle of dysfunctional family and community environments…from birth, it appears Boom-Box mom was not shown what a loving environment is made of, it’s difficult for me to be mad at people who are victimized by the recurring cycle, and it certainly makes me better understand why so much rage, anger and frustration exists in the hearts and minds of young “black people” who are raised in these environments.

If I was being raised in the cycle of poverty by a “clueless” parent, as I mature, learning more about the world and witnessing how others are having fun, prospering, loving their families and lives, more than likely over time I’d be real upset, simmering, maybe even rage as I aged and my home environment does not improve.

I think about Boom-Box mom’s children and what they have to look forward to, what skills does she offer her children…what goes through her baby’s minds as they gather around the trash can mom placed in the middle of their living room, day after day watching television depicting the good lives Americans of all backgrounds are enjoying?

What really saddens me……is knowing, based on my experiences, that Boom-Box mom’s “clueless” mindset is replicated by mom’s and parents throughout this community. It saddens and angers me that little kids are in many cases, doomed from the start, or before they are conceived.

When I look back at the environment my parents created for me and how I responded to that environment, I realize my goals were to please my parents by respecting and appreciating what they were doing for me. And most importantly doing my best not to disappoint them because they loved me and made sure I knew it by actively being involved in my life, and aiding me in shaping my life as I developed into a peaceful person who felt loved and cared for.

Two immutable rules in our household were impressed upon me at a young age, “Always be truthful” and “Before judging, wear the other person’s shoes.” Thinking back mom and dad never used the word “empathy” when admonishing me for not thinking before I shot my mouth off, they always said “wear the other person’s shoes.”

I am thinking if my mom and dad placed a trash can in our living room, ignored feces smeared on our walls, got sis and I removed from their custody because they were not providing basic care for me and sis…I am thinking I’d be a pretty messed up kid incapable of embracing the concept of empathy, or purposefully not showing empathy for others because my life sucks and I don’t care about others.

Or perhaps I’d use my intentional lack of empathy as a means to peeve or ‘get-back’ at my parents by engaging in anti-social behaviors that would eventually get me arrested, causing my parents to recognize that I exist, or depending on their views of the police, causing them to interact with authority people they may not necessarily like or trust, thus peeving them.

As I wrote, my experiences occurred years ago.

Recently I looked at current crime stats for this community and learned there has been a significant decrease in reported crimes, though there is still a good amount of violent crimes being committed.

If society continues failing to monitor caregivers who require public funds to raise, nurture and support their children, these kids will continue to be raised in environments like the one Boom-Box mom created for her kids.

I am hoping when camera technology proves its worth in protecting police officers, as well as identifying officers who require further training or officers who have no business serving the public in a LE capacity, we will use that same technology to protect children by monitoring the common area of homes in which caregivers have established a track record for failing to properly raise, nurture and/or supervise their children.

Recently I watched a video that saddened me as well as enlightened me when I learned child welfare investigators test the hair of child abuse victims for “ambient” exposure to drugs.

Holy smokes, the numbers were critical. At the least cameras would expose signs of intoxication in homes identified as requiring extra care to prevent children from being emotionally and or physically harmed.


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Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator’s Frustrations

dr robert ross
Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of troubled and chronically ill Americans.

After watching Dr. Ross’ presentation one of the questions all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, “What real substantial changes in our society’s attitude and laws need to occur to prevent Child Abuse and Neglect that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults as a result of experiencing the emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?”




Emotional Abuse


Sandra Bland Indirectly Speaks About Child Abuse and Neglect Harming Her Quality of Life And Community

Social Activist Sandra Bland


Victims of Child Abuse

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace ‘The Street’ culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from…not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, “living wild” single moms and/or dads.


A little girl, catching a cool breeze from an air conditioning unit in the yard, was blindsided by another child about her same age, who had evidently had some practice with fighting fierce. The small victim wasn’t alone, as there were plenty of nearby witnesses, who could have protected her but didn’t because they were too busy recording the brutal beat down and encouraging it. | Written By Amanda Shea

Depraved Indifference for Human Life?

What I see in this recorded act of criminal child abuse, is adults conditioning children to embrace the cycle of child abuse, child maltreatment and violence passed down from generation to generation by depressed Americans who are content living in the poverty they are primarily responsible for fueling when irresponsibly birthing children from selfishness, instead of the love between two committed adult partners.

Unedited Mirror:

red-dotVictims of Child Abuse – Brooklyn, NY:


Nationally Popular Victims of Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect

Read popular American rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur (Lesane Parish Crooks; June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996) lyrics to learn about his love-hate relationship with his mom, his great disappointment with his dad, and about Tupac’s frequent suicidal thoughts.

Read about how Tupac’s drug addicted mother accepted proceeds of the harmful anti-social acts Tupac raps/writes about committing against his peaceful neighbors. I have to tell you, reading Tupac’s lyrics brings back a lot memories of the horrific emotional child abuse I witnessed during the nearly twelve year I provided police services to Shawn Carter’s community.

Shawn “Jay Z” Carter (born December 4, 1969) is another victim of child abuse/neglect who raps/writes about the physical harm and fear he caused to his peaceful neighbors and community.

Reading Shawn “Jay Z” Carter describe the pain he caused to his neighbors and community, brought back painful memories, causing me experience much of the same anxiety and pain I experienced from personally witnessing the physical and emotional pain young Shawn Carter caused to individuals as well as an entire housing complex and surrounding neighborhoods.

In 1987, the same year emotionally depressed 2015 Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar was born, songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and VICTIM DENIAL that was nominated for a Grammy.

Suzanne nailed it, parents and caregivers do the most horrific things to their kids, yet many kids will defend their abusers, blaming themselves for their “blues,” bruises and injuries before admitting a parent/caretaker harmed them.

“Yes I think I’m okay I walked into the door again
Well, if you ask that’s what I’ll say

And it’s not your business anyway”

michelle obama
Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama


Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #RamiyaReed, #AvaCastillo, #JulieDombo, #LaylahPetersen, #LavontayWhite, #NovaMarieGallman, #AyannaAllen, #AutumnPasquale, #RamiyaReed, #TrinityGay, #ChildhoodTrauma, #Poverty, #ChildAbuse, #ChildhoodMaltreatment, #ChildNeglect, #ChildhoodDepression, #TeenDepression, #TeenViolence, #GunViolence, #GangViolence, #CommunityViolence, #CommunityFear, #PTSD, #PoliceAnxiety, #TeacherEducatorFrustration, #CognitiveDissonance, #KendrickLamar, #TupacShakur, #EmotionalIllness, #MentalHealth, #MentalIllness, #FatherlessAmericanChildren, #ShamirHunter, #DemeaningGovernmentHandouts, #Resentment, #MATERNALRESPONSIBILITY, #DonaldTrump, #HRC, #BarackObama, #MichelleObama, #ObamaAdministration, #ObamaWhiteHouse, #WillfulIgnorance, #AmericanSociety, #Racism, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E, #Solutions>>>, #A_F_R_E_C_A_N,

“America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”

9 thoughts on “Brooklyn’s Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment

  1. Your website is implying heavily this is the result of poverty, but it’s not, it’s their culture.

    Have you ever been to Kentucky, or the parts of Tennessee that AREN’T Nashville? Go ahead and make the jokes about rednecks, banjo music, etc., but their kids don’t loot and burn.

    Why isn’t the whole Appalachian area one big Ferguson Loot&Burn Party?

    As more proof that it’s not poverty, what about the recent shooting of the basketball player? Or the thuggish rap stars and their entourages shooting up nightclubs?

    Full disclosure: I worked in a jail for 2 years. Each arrival was “harder” and worse than the last, but they were trying to outdo each other! Prison wasn’t shame to them, it was a badge of honor! Some of them, their parents had actually TAUGHT them this Code of Conduct!
    It’s just thugs raising thugs, less respect each generation. For their possessions, for their parents, for anyone else.


    1. EPGAH says: “Your website is implying heavily this is the result of poverty, but it’s not, it’s their culture.”

      Hi, E. Thanks for your reply.

      Actually, my writings are meant to convey that Child Abuse and Neglect is the primary cause for Poverty.

      If Baltimore Mom of The Year Toya Graham built a family of one or two children, instead of SIX kids depending on their neighbor’s financial support, would her teen son develop into an angry, depressed, frustrated, violent boy joining his depressed, angry violent classmates who were acting with depraved indifference to human life?

      I disagree that a majority of my African American neighbors embrace a culture of lawlessness. My experiences tell me many of our AA neighbors are upset and disappointed with the sub culture of AA females depriving their children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.



      1. OK, then why didn’t she get condoms or tubal ligation? We live in America, condoms are 25 cents, or free if you know whom to ask.

        And if it’s not the majority, then why was there only ONE Black woman strong enough to pull her son out of the riot in Baltimore? Sure there’s no money in it, but is that all that matters?

        If the neighbors are “upset” or “disappointed” with the subculture, why aren’t they interfering more? Did any of them offer to buy her birth-control? Are they pushing for mandatory sterilization of Welfare breeders? Are they doing ANYTHING other than getting “upset”?

        I am a white ex-military male, therefore the last person wanted in Welfare Breeder neighborhoods.


    1. Welcome. I realize I must sound partly nuts, but I just feel like America is out of control, Mad Train style, and I’m paying for it to get worse and worse, involuntarily.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Do you believe in the “Looks Like Themselves” theory?
      There was some idiot on TV today at a client’s house saying Blacks would do better with teachers and cops that look like themselves. The implication being, although never stated outright, that the white cops need to be transferred out or just fired completely.

      Sounds seductive, Blacks MIGHT be able to learn more from another Black and MIGHT obey a fellow Black cop more than a white one? Except I don’t think that’s this demagogue’s objective. I think they want Black teachers and cops who will let them get away with murder–as happened in Detroit.

      Worse, if the black cops are HONEST, it won’t stop the lawsuits!
      In the present Stalinist show trial, 3 BLACK COPS are accused of murder against career criminal Freddie Gray. So the cops are afraid to police. They pull back, and murder shoots up. They are blamed for that too. The new racket is to have a family member killed and to get a huge payout BEFORE the criminal trial even starts. This “civil rights” stuff is just window dressing. An extortionist racket. Now, we got the protesters threating dire consequences if they don’t get the “proper” results…But justice is the LAST thing they want!

      Also, do you watch Tommy Sotomayor?


      1. Hi, E. Thanks for sharing your thoughts concerns and pain. Frankly I am focused on writing about child abuse and neglect that harms children, though I appreciate you sharing your concerns.



    3. In order to fix that, you have to fix Black “culture”.
      In order to do THAT, you have to stop them from shutting punishment down with cries of “racist” when they do something bad….and of course, perverting the word “Justice”.

      Just be glad it wasn’t that thing in the news about the woman who burned her kids alive to stop the father getting custody, or chopped off her 3-month old’s head.


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